De Ore Domini

Ultimo aggiornamento: 09 January 2023

Amos T. L., Green E. A., Kienzle B. M. e al

De Ore Domini

Preacher and Word in the Middle Ages

A cura di Amos T. L., Green E. A., Kienzle B. M. - Medieval Institute Publications Kalamazoo 1989

Scheda a cura di: Amos T. L., Green E. A., Kienzle B. M. e al

Thirteen essays, constituting a series of chapters in the history of preaching. The essays present a diversity of historical periods, audiences, and methodologies. Ranging in time from the 700s to 1511, from Johannes Herolt's Germany to Ramon Llull's Mallorca, from Bede's England to the Italy of Bernadino of Siena and Egidio da Viterbo.

Table of content

Introduction: Medieval Preaching by John W. O’Malley, S.J. Enoch, Lent, and the Ascension of Christ by Eugene A. Green

The Two Worlds in Bede’s Homilies: The Biblical Event and the Listener’s Experience by Lawrence T. Martin

Preaching and the Sermon in the Carolingian World by Thomas L. Amos

Aelfric the Catechist by Eugene A. Green

Archbishop Stephen Langton and His Preaching on Thomas Becket in 1220 by Phyllis B. Roberts

Maternal Imagery in the Sermons of Hélinand of Froidmont by Beverly Mayne Kienzle

Humbert of Roman’s Material for Preachers by Simon Tugwell, OP

The Rhethorica nova of Ramon Llull: An Ars praedicandi as Devotional Literature by Mark D. Johnston

Preaching the Passion: Late Medieval “Lives of Christ” as Sermon Vehicles by Lawrence F. Hundersmarck

New Sermon Evidence for the Spread of Wycliffism by Simon Forde

From Treatise to Sermon: Johannes Herolt on the novem peccata aliena by Richard Newhauser

Pyres of Vanities: Mendicant Preaching on the Vanity of Women and Its Lay Audience by Thomas M. Izbicki

Egidio de Viterbo’s Defense of Pope Julius II, 1509 and 1511 by Ingrid Rowland


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