Srednobălgarskijat prevod na Hronikata na Konstantin Manasij i njegovijar literaturen kontekst

Ultimo aggiornamento: 26 maggio 2021

Velinova V.

Srednobălgarskijat prevod na Hronikata na Konstantin Manasij i njegovijar literaturen kontekst

Sv. Kliment Ohridski, Sofija 2013

Scheda a cura di: Velinova V.

The dissertation paper is devoted to the Chronicles by the Byzantine historian Constantine Manasses.

 The present work is a product of a long-lasting researches and analyses. The importance of this subject is undisputable - the translation of the Chronicles takes in important place in the history of the Bulgarian manuscripts; there is a need of comprehensive analysis of the translation; there is a lack of comparatively studying of the writings in the collections which accompany the translation.

Although the Chronicle is already published and that there is a lot of literature in the subject, there is no detailed study until now by Bulgarian author on the issues pointed above.