Ethnic, protonational and national narratives: Formation and representation

Specialists in history, sociology, political science, social and cultural anthropology, ethnology, philology, imagology, art criticism, including postgraduate students, masters and undergraduate students are invited to take part in this conference.

  The following issues are to be discussed at the conference and prospective panels:

1.      In search of ethnic discourse in the Early Middle Ages: issues of source studies.

2.      Language as an instrument of describing the community.

3.      Modes of describing the Empire.

4.      Wars, national revolutions, and propaganda. The image of an enemy.

5.      Modern national mythologies and the experience of the past.

6.      Traditions of national history.

7.      Imagining the nation. Modern national historiography and school books of history. The issues of representation of collective memory.

8.      Ethnicity in fiction, art and cinema.

9.      Racism and language.

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Ultimo aggiornamento: 20 January 2022