Istoriografija i istocnikovedenie otecestvennoj istorij. Sbornik naucnych statej.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 25 May 2021

Sirenova A., Ziborov V.K., Žukov E.

Istoriografija i istocnikovedenie otecestvennoj istorij. Sbornik naucnych statej.

Vyp. 7. Istoriceskoe povestvovanie v Srednevekovoj Rossii: K 450-letiju Stepennoj knigi: Materialy vserossijskoj naucnoj konferencii

MBA Mosca 2014

Scheda a cura di: Adamska A.

In consequence of its resurrection as one of the most important and interesting “historical” compositions of Muscovy, the Stepennaja kniga (Book of Royal Degrees) keeps giving. Recent years have seen the appearance of a magnificent new edition. Now we have the new volume of an established series, containing the papers of a conference whose ostensible rationale was to celebrate the 450th anniversary of the creation of SK in 2013.