The Center of Studies on Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages (CeSecom) was founded in 2006 bringing together a group of scholars who are expert in the study of the several regions that are between Central Europe and Caucasus including Central Asia. The activity of CeSecom focuses on the period before the fall of Constantinople and the discovery of America. The investigation of this area and this period is fundamental in order to understand the roots of the problems and conflicts that still today are tormenting this region of the world.
  • Bibliografia - Bibliography News
  • B.N. Florja, U istokov religioznogo raskola slavjanskogo mira (XIII vek), Aletejja, Sankt-Peterburg 2004, pp. 2221


    Scholarly Resources
  • Hannick Ch., Das Altslavische Hirmologion, Weiher, Freiburg I. Br., 2006, Shelf
  • Iris Karafillidis Scientific Committee
  • XV Міжнародны камітэт славістаў / XV Convegno Internazionale degli Slavisti Minsk
    Міжнародны камітэт славістаў, Беларускі камітэт славістаў, Нацыянальная акадэмія навук Беларусі