In this section, it is possible to find some of the most significant entries concerning the areas and periods of our interest (toponyms, anthroponyms, events, etc.) on the basis of the best repertories. Some entries on the medieval period, for example, compare entries offered by the most authoritative repertories devoted to the Middle Ages: the Lexicon des Mittelalters and the Dizionario Enciclopedico del Medioevo. The Lexicon section is a work in progress with the possibility of new additions and updates in the hope of creating over time an increasingly comprehensive repertory of the areas and periods under our competence.

Accent in slavic languages

- - - Sec. --

Adashev Alekseĭ Fedorovich

Адашев Алексей Федорович - Adashev Alekseĭ Fedorovich - - Sec. XVI

Afanasy Nikitin

Афанасий Никитин - Afanasy Nikitin - - Sec. XV

Afanasy Rusin

Афанасий Русин - Afanasy Rusin - - Sec. XV

Afanasy Vysotsky

Афанасий Высоцкий - Afanasy Vysotsky - - Sec. XIV-XV

Agnes of Bohemia

Агнесса Чешская - Agnes von Böhmen - Anežka Česká - Sec. XII

Agrefeny, arkhimandrit

Агрефений, архимандрит - Agrefeny, arkhimandrit - - Sec. XIV-XV


Hajduks - hajduci - - Sec. XV- XVIII sec.


Albanien - - - Sec. VII-XV

Aleksandr Svirsky

Александр Свирский - Aleksandr Svirsky - - Sec. XV - XVI

Aleksandriya Khronograficheskaya

Александрия Хронографическая - Aleksandriya Khronograficheskaya - - Sec. XII-XVI

Aleksandriya Serbskaya

Александрия Сербская - Aleksandriya Serbskaya - - Sec. XIV-XV

Aleksey (Aleksiy), Mitropolit

Алексей (Алексий), митрополит - Aleksey (Aleksiy), Mitropolit - - Sec. XIII-XIV


Alexandreis - - - Sec. XIV-XV

Alexandr Nevsky

Александр Невский - - - Sec. XIII

Slavic Alphabets

Slavische Alphabete - Славянские азбуки - - Sec. IX-X

Cyrillic alphabet, the riforms

Кириллица - - - Sec. X-XX

Glagolitic alphabet and its precedence over cyrillic alphabet

- - - Sec. IX-X

Ammon (Amon), monakh

Аммон (Амон), монах - - - Sec. XVI

Andrey Yur'ev

Андрей Юрьев - Andrey Yur'ev - - Sec. XV - XVI

Andrey Yurodivyj

Андрей Юродивый - Andrey Yurodivyj - - Sec. XI-XII

Andrey Presviter

Андрей Пресвитер - Andrey Presviter - - Sec. XIV-XVI sec.

Andrey Rublëv

Андрей Рублёв, - Andrey Rublëv - - Sec. XIV-XV

Andronik Timofeev (Nevezha)

Андроник Тимофеев (Невежа) - - - Sec. XVI-XVII

Anfim, arkhimandrit Golgofskiy

Анфим, архимандрит Голгофский - Anfim, arkhimandrit Golgofskiy - - Sec. XVI-XVII

Ancient inscriptions in Old Church Slavonic

- - - Sec. IX-X

Anthony of the Caves

Антоний Печерский - Anthony of the Caves - - Sec. X-XI

Anthony of Novgorod

Антоний, архиепископ Новгородский - Anthony of Novgorod - - Sec. XII-XIII

Antonio Possevino and Muscovy

- - - Sec. XVI-XVII

Apokrif o Adame

Апокриф о Адаме - - - Sec. XI-XV

Apokrif o Adame i Eve

Апокриф о Адаме и Еве - - - Sec. XV-XVIII

Apokrify o krestnom dreve

Апокрифы о крестном древе - - - Sec. XIV-XV

Apokrify o Mel'khisedeke

Апокрифы о Мельхиседеке - - - Sec. XV-XVI

Early medieval archeology in Poland

- - - Sec. XIX-XX

Landed aristocracies and peasant class

- - - Sec. VII-XV

Aristotelevy vrata or Taynaya Taynykh

Тайная Тайных - Secretum secretorum - - Sec. XVI


- - - Sec. VI-IX

Avraamiy Suzdal'skiy

Авраамий суздальский - Avraamiy Suzdal'skiy - - Sec. XV


Авраамка - - - Sec. XV


Азбуковники - - - Sec. XVI

Baba Yaga

Ба́ба-Яга́ - Baba Yaga - - Sec. --


- - - Sec. IX-XVIII

Czech Bible

- - - Sec. XV - XVI

Ulfila's bible

- - - Sec. IV


Belarus - Weißrussland - - Sec. --


Bohemia - Böhmen - - Sec. X-XVI


- - - Sec. X - XV


Bosnia - Bosnien - - Sec. X - XV

Glagolitic Breviary of Vitus of Omisalj

Glagoljski brevijar Vida Omišljanina - - - Sec. XIV-XV

- - - Sec. XV-XVIII

Bulgarian and Serbs under Manuel Komnenos

- - - Sec. XII


Bulgaria - Bulgarien - - Sec. VII-XIV

Bureaucracy in Byzantium

- - - Sec. VII-XV


Былины - - - Sec. --


- - - Sec. XIV-XV

Old church slavonic canon

- - - Sec. IX-X

The tale of Igor's Campaign

Слово о полку Игореве - Slovo o polku Igoreve - - Sec. XII

The Tale of Igor's Campaign and Vaclav Hanka

- - - Sec. XII-XIX

Cantionals and Postils

- - - Sec. XV-XVIII

Benozzo Gozzoli's chapel and the Council of Florence

- - - Sec. XV

Correspondence between Ivan the terrible and Kurbskij

- - - Sec. XVI

Teutonic Order

- - - Sec. XIII-XVI


- - - Sec. VIII-IX

Autocephalous churches

- - - Sec. X-

Hristofor Žefarovič

- - - Sec. XVII-XVIII

Clement of Ohrid

- - - Sec. IX-X

Uspenskij's code

- - - Sec. XII-XIII

Jewish community

- - - Sec. X - XV

The conquest of Siberia

- - - Sec. XVI-XVII

Byzantine continuity: from the first to the second Rome

- - - Sec. VII-XV

Conversio Bogoariorum et Carantanorum

- - - Sec. IX

Aspectual pairs, the formation

- - - Sec. --


- - - Sec. XV-XVIII

Constantine of Preslav

- - - Sec. IX-X

Establishment of the polish-lithuanian confederation

- - - Sec. XVI


- - - Sec. XI-XVI

Textual criticism

- - - Sec. --


Croatia - Kroatien - - Sec. VII-XV

Povest' vremennykh let

Повесть временных лет - - - Sec. XI-XII

The chronicle of the anonymous Gaul

- - - Sec. XII-XVI

Cult of Mother Earth

- - - Sec. VII-XV


Dalmatien - - - Sec. V

Daniil Zatochnik

Даниил Заточник - Daniil Zatochnik - - Sec. X - XV

Daniil, igumen

Даниил, игумен - - - Sec. VIII-X


- - - Sec. VII-XV

- - - Sec. XIV-XV

Digenes Akrita

- - - Sec. XI-XII

Dimitri Obolensky and the byzantine commonwealth

- - - Sec. XX

Asen's dinasty and the capital city Tărnovo

- - - Sec. VIII-X


- - - Sec. XXI

Magdeburg rights

- - Magdeburger Recht - Sec. VIII-X

- - - Sec. VIII-X

Donation of Constantine

- - - Sec. IV

- - - Sec. X

Epiphanius the Wise

Епифаний Премудрый - - - Sec. XIV-XV

Trilingual heresy

- - - Sec. VII-XV

John the Exarch's hexameron

- - - Sec. IX-X