In this section, it is possible to find some of the most significant entries concerning the areas and periods of our interest (toponyms, anthroponyms, events, etc.) on the basis of the best repertories. Some entries on the medieval period, for example, compare entries offered by the most authoritative repertories devoted to the Middle Ages: the Lexicon des Mittelalters and the Dizionario Enciclopedico del Medioevo. The Lexicon section is a work in progress with the possibility of new additions and updates in the hope of creating over time an increasingly comprehensive repertory of the areas and periods under our competence.

Kiprian, mitropolit Kievskiĭ i vsei͡a Rusi

Киприан, митрополит Киевский и всея Руси - Kiprian, mitropolit Kievskiĭ i vsei͡a Rusi - - Sec. XIV-XV

Kirill Belozerskiĭ

Кирилл Белозерский - Kirill Belozerskiĭ - - Sec. XIV-XV

Kirill, episkop Turovskiĭ

Кирилл, епископ Туровский - Kirill, episkop Turovskiĭ - - Sec. VIII-X

Kliment Smoli͡atich

Климент Смолятич - Kliment Smoli͡atich - - Sec. VIII-X

Koloman, Croatia and Byzantium

- - - Sec. XI-XII

Kompleksot t͡srkvi na XV tiveriopolski machenit͡si od Strumit͡sa

Комплексот цркви на XV тивериополски маченици од Струмица - Kompleksot t͡srkvi na XV tiveriopolski machenit͡si od Strumit͡sa - - Sec. V

Constantine of Kostenets

- - - Sec. XIV-XV

Literary Works of the Kulikovo Cycle

Памятники Куликовского цикла - - - Sec. VIII-X

Croatian Glagolitic heritage in Istria

Croatian Glagolitic heritage in Istria - - - Sec. XI-XV

The Baška tablet

Lapide di Basca - Bašćanska ploča - - Sec. VIII-X

Attribute "blatinski"j, textual variant in Constantine's life

- - - Sec. VIII-X

Lexicon in slavic languages

- - - Sec. XVI-XVIII

- - - Sec. VII-XV

Laurentian Letopis

Летопись Лаврентьевская - Laurentian Letopis - - Sec. XIV-XV

Novgorod First Chronicle

Летопись Новгородская первая - Novgorod First Chronicle - - Sec. VIII-X

Letopisets of Vladimir

Летописец Владимирский - Letopisets of Vladimir - - Sec. XVI

Hagiographic literature

- - - Sec. VII-XV

Slavic comparative literature

- - - Sec. VII-XV

Kashubian language

- - - Sec. VII-XV

Polabian language

- - - Sec. VII-XV

Rusyn language

- Rusyn language - - Sec. VII-XV

Baltic languages

- Baltic languages - - Sec. VII-XV

Centum and satem languages

- - - Sec. VII-XV


Ludmila, Santa - Ludmila Přemyslovna - - Sec. VIII-X


Macedonia - Makedonien - - Sec. VII-XV

Maximus the Greek

Максим Грек - Maksim Grek - - Sec. XV-XVI

Mavro Orbini

- - - Sec. XVI-XVII

Months in Slavic

- - - Sec. VII-XV

The Missal of Hrvoje

Hrvojev misal - - - Sec. XV

Metropolis of Kiev

- - - Sec. VII-XV

Migration of the Serbs

- - - Sec. XVII

Orthodox millet

- - - Sec. VII-XV

Missal Croatian Glagolitic

Missale Romanum Glagolitice - - - Sec. XV

Moldavia under Stephen the Great

- - - Sec. XV - XVI


Moldova-Wallachia - Moldavien-Valachei - - Sec. XIV-XV

Decani Monastery, Church of the Christ Pantocrator and the Ascension

- - - Sec. XIV-XV

Monastery of Emaus

- - - Sec. XIV-XV

Milesheva Monastery, Church of the Ascension

Manastir Mileševa, Crkva Vaznesenja Hristovog - - - Sec. XII-XVI

Sapocani Monastery, Church of the Holy Trinity

Manastir Sapocani, Crkva Svetog Trojstva - Sapocani Monastery, Church of the Holy Trinity - - Sec. XII-XVI

Studenica Monastery, The Church of the Virgin

- - - Sec. VIII-X

The Monastery of Žiča

Manastir Žiča - Le Monastere de Žiča - The Monastery of Žiča - Sec. XII-XVI

Gradac Monastery

Manastir Gradac, Bogorodicina Crkva ili Crkva Praznika Blagovesti - - - Sec. XII-XVI

Mount Athos

- - - Sec. VII-XV


Moravia - Mähren - - Sec. IX


- - - Sec. IX-XV

Nestor, monakh Kievo-Pecherskogo monastyrya

Нестор, монах Киево-Печерского монастыря - Nestor, monakh Kievo-Pecherskogo monastyrya - - Sec. VIII-X

Saint Nicholas

Николай Мирликийский - Nikolaj Mirlikijskij - - Sec. VIII-X

Nikon (Velikiy), igumen Kievo-Pecherskogo monastyrya

Никон (Великий), игумен Киево-Печерского монастыря - Nikon (Velikiĭ), igumen Kievo-Pecherskogo monastyrya - - Sec. VIII-X

Venice's name

- - - Sec. VII-XV

- - - Sec. VII-XV

Name of the letters in the slavic alphabets

- - - Sec. VII-XV


Новгород - - - Sec. IX

Greek West and second graecization of the South Italy

- - - Sec. IX

Mendicant orders in Balkan, Eastern-central and Eastern Europe

- - - Sec. XIII-XIV

Origins and periodization of the old church slavonic

- - - Sec. VII-XV

Orthography of old Czech language

- - - Sec. XV